Dave S, London
I am a 54 year old businessman with a life-long history of substance abuse and have been to various therapists, acupuncturists, counsellors and hypnotherapists throughout this time.
I first met Annika during a stay at a rehab hospital and was immediately impressed with her different approach, which was much more science based. Thankfully she took me on as a private patient and through my various ups and downs Annika has always been steadfastly and resolutely determined to help me help myself to become free of this scourge. Annika is not at all judgemental and gets to the root cause of your issues with forensic methodology. This worked for me so much more than chewing the fat with a counsellor.
F, London
Annika has completely changed my life! By breaking down and gaining an understanding of the cause of certain behaviours it has equipped me with the ability to make informed decisions. I have a deeper understanding of why I do the things that I do which has allowed both my work and home life to improve dramatically.
37 year old male, London
Many therapists have attempted to help me with addiction and associated mental health issues. Annika is the only one who got through to me. I do not know how, but she leads me to realisations and I come up with ideas and make decisions myself. She is compassionate and allows me to see the good in myself while never shying away from the catastrophic reality of the addictions. It was a cocktail of medication that eventually dragged me out of my last addiction but it was Annika who helped me to understand myself in the most profound way, sensations returned and my addiction faded away. I did not see her for several months and relapsed. Fortunately I am seeing her again as without her I do not know where I would be now.